Sunday, March 18, 2012


So...Mom has been a little lazy lately about updating my blog. I have been trying to nudge her has much a possible to get her to write, so I guess it finally worked!
To continue with my first week here....let's see....
After I got out of my crate and decided it wasn't so bad here, I tried playing with the moose they call Bindy. She was pretty hard on me! I ended up on the ground in a flash and always belly up! She wouldn't give me a chance to get up!!! After a little while she actually let me play with her and I had a great time! I was really tired the first 2 days but it was ok. My Mom always put me in my bed so I could take a nap. She seemed really nice like that :)
The crazy thing that I couldn't understand...going to the bathroom outside. I knew I had to go and I saw that Bindy would go to the one door and ring these things that were hanging on the door. I heard Mom call them bells. They are pretty, big and shiney. I was always told to "touch" when we went to the door. Mom would tap them with my nose, then open the door. I was like "OK?"...I thought she was a little crazy so I just let her do it since when they rang, she got all happy....pretty weird if you ask me. But you should have seen her when I actually went to the bathroom....WOW did she get all excited and I got treats and she was really happy with me!! Only thing I couldn't really put my paw around, Why I had to "Get busy" on the driveway?!?! That is the silliest thing ever! I wanted my nice soft grass to pee on for goodness sake. But I usually had to go so badly by the time I got out there, that I just went where I could. Pretty uncomfortable going to the bathroom on a hard surface but I think this is something my Mom can explain to you at some point.
Breakfast, lunch and dinner were really weird too! So I am beginging to see this is a pretty silly place to live in!!  Mom wouldn't even put my bowl down until I sat. I was so hungry that it was like "Lady!!! Just put the damn bowl down!!!" I soon remembered the nice lady that picked me up in MO did the same thing! So I put my butt on the ground and guess what? The bowl went on the floor too!!! Amazing! So simple. But then I soon noticed that Bindy was told to "stay" when her food bowl was placed on the floor...hmmmm...I have to see where this one is going!

So needless to say, the first 2 days weren't that bad here. The people seem really nice and the little boy was very lovey and I loved it when he laid on the floor with me!
I will end with that for today and tell you about my next day here...which was a BIG adventure for me!

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